Cheek reduction surgery is a cosmetic procedure designed to reduce excess fat accumulation in the cheeks. This procedure, also known as buccal fat removal, involves the use of a minimally invasive liposuction technique to remove excess fat deposits from the cheeks. The incisions are made discreetly inside the mouth, ensuring that the procedure leaves no visible scars.

With age or weight gain, the face can accumulate excess fat, often leading to a fuller cheek appearance. Cheek fat removal targets these excess fat pockets, helping to reshape facial contours for a more sculpted look. This procedure is particularly significant in facial rejuvenation and slimming techniques.

The natural buccal fat pads in the face may thicken over time, leading to a rounder cheek profile. Buccal fat removal specifically targets these fat pads, helping individuals achieve a slimmer facial profile. However, like all medical procedures, cheek reduction surgery carries certain risks and requires a recovery period for optimal results.

cheek reduction

How is the Cheek Fat Removal Procedure Performed?

The cheek fat removal procedure focuses on reducing the buccal fat pads located within the cheeks. During the surgery, small incisions are made inside the mouth, allowing for fat removal through a minimally invasive liposuction technique. The procedure typically lasts around one hour and is performed under general anesthesia or conscious sedation (local anesthesia).

Recovery Process

Recovery time for buccal fat removal varies based on the technique used and individual skin structure. Some mild discomfort in the chewing muscles may be experienced in the days following the procedure. The final results become more noticeable within a few weeks, and the results achieved are permanent. For these reasons, thorough research and consultation with an experienced cosmetic surgeon are essential before proceeding with cheek reduction surgery. Although recovery time is shorter compared to other surgical methods, a certain healing period is still required.

Following the procedure, it is important to follow the aftercare recommendations provided by your surgeon to reduce the risk of infection. All post-operative instructions for a smooth recovery will be explained in detail by your surgeon.

Important Considerations for Cheek Reduction Surgery

To promote a faster and healthier recovery, it is recommended to avoid smoking and alcohol for at least one week before the surgery. Blood-thinning medications such as aspirin should also be avoided. If you are on any medications for other health conditions, be sure to inform your doctor before surgery. It’s also crucial for pregnant or breastfeeding individuals, or those with general health issues, to consult their healthcare provider before considering this procedure.


When performed with careful planning and by an experienced surgeon, cheek reduction surgery can play a transformative role in facial aesthetics. This cosmetic approach offers individuals the opportunity to achieve a slimmer facial profile. However, as with any aesthetic procedure, careful consideration and consultation with a qualified medical professional are essential.

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