Neck lift aesthetics is an effective surgical method preferred to reduce signs of aging and give the neck area a more youthful appearance. The neck and jawline areas are among the areas where signs of aging are most noticeable. This area, commonly referred to as the “double chin,” tends to sag and loosen over time. Factors such as gravity, aging, and loss of skin elasticity are the primary causes of this condition. Additionally, weight gain can lead to fat accumulation in the double chin area, causing a person to appear older and more fatigued. However, this condition can be effectively treated with modern aesthetic surgical techniques.

What Should Be Considered Before a Neck Lift Aesthetics?

As with any surgical procedure, it is crucial to take some precautions before undergoing a neck lift. Here are the main points to keep in mind:

Painkiller Use: Discontinue the use of aspirin and similar painkillers at least one week before the surgery. However, if you are taking medications regularly, you should consult your doctor before stopping them.

Smoking: Avoid smoking before and after the surgery, as it will accelerate the recovery process.

Planning and Communication: Have a detailed discussion with your surgeon about the entire process to ensure that the surgery will meet your expectations.

neck lift aesthetics
How is a Neck Lift Performed?

The neck lift procedure can be applied using different methods, depending on the degree of sagging and associated problems.

Liposuction Method: If the sagging in the double chin area is due to excess weight, liposuction can be used to remove the excess fat in this region. This procedure is generally ideal for young individuals who still maintain good skin elasticity. After liposuction, a tighter appearance in the double chin area is achieved.

Muscle and Fat Collection Method: If sagging is caused not only by excess fat but also by muscle loosening, a small incision is made under the chin to remove the excess fat and tighten the muscles. In necessary cases, chin aesthetics can be performed in the same session using implants.

Skin Tightening Method: If sagging is accompanied by excess skin, a skin tightening procedure is preferred. During this procedure, an incision is made starting from in front of the ear and continuing along the scalp. The excess skin is removed, and the neck area is tightened.

Pain and Recovery Process

Neck lift surgery is typically performed under general or local anesthesia, so no pain is felt during the procedure. The procedure usually takes about 1 hour, and patients are generally discharged on the same day. A special bandage that passes under the chin supports the recovery process. Depending on the type of operation, it is possible to return to daily life within 2 to 8 days.

Result: A Youthful and Dynamic Appearance

Neck lift aesthetics helps individuals achieve a younger and more energetic appearance. When performed using the right techniques by an expert surgeon, this operation is an important step in completing facial aesthetics.

📌 Refresh your confidence with a neck lift. Contact us now for more information!

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