Lazerlipo (Laser Liposuction)
If you complain about regional fats although you look fit, or if you seek for a change that can support you in the weight loss process, you can benefit from the laser liposuction method used worldwide. Laser liposuction can be applied as a solution of regional lipoidosis from double chins to hips, from abdominal areas to arms.

There Are Generally 5 Liposuction Methods Used Today
-Vacuum-Assisted Liposuction (SAL): Classical liposuction, fats are sucked through vacuum.
-Ultrasound-Assisted Liposuction (UAL): Fats are broken into pieces by ultrasound and are removed through vacuum.
-Power Assisted Liposuction (PAL): Fats are broken into pieces through special mobile cannula tip.
-Water Assisted Liposuction (WAL): Fats are made slurry by the help of water and removed by cannula.
-Laser Assisted Liposuction (LAL): fats are broken into pieces and removed with laser energy and the skin is tightened. Comparing to the other methods, the biggest advantage is the skin tightening effect.

Good Candidates For Laser Liposuction
-Those whose weight is close to normal, who have a tight and elastic skin structure have resistant fat masses in certain regions.
-Suitable skin elasticity to see the effect of tightness.
-Not have any cardiovascular diseases.
Advantages Versus Other Liposuction Methods
1-Skin tightening, reduction in deformities such as skin waviness, sagging, etc. comparing to other methods
2-Getting back to usual routine earlier
3-Having less edema, bruise and pain comparing to other techniques
4.Ability to remove more amount of fats with the introduction of generation laser-liposuction devices. Additionally, in cases of necessity to remove more fat, it is combined with laser-liposuction method after classical liposuction and enables skin tightening.
Type of Anesthesia
In small areas, local anesthesia is preferred and in larger areas, the combination of local anesthesia and sedation (narcotizing through vascular access)is preferred. General anesthesia can be used in wider applications.
Duration of Operation
Laser liposuction can take 0.5-3 hours depending on the area of application.
Recovery Period
Special liposuction clothing is put on depending on the procedure after the operation.
You can leave the hospital on the same day or one day later depending on the type of operation and the anesthesia applied.
You can get back to work in 2 days or 1 week depending on the procedure.
No notable pain occurs after the operation, painkillers will make you relaxed.
Edema, bruises, numbness or formication are less seen comparing to the other liposuction methods.
They go away in 3 weeks automatically. Depending on the procedure, the period of liposuction clothing changes, but it is less than the other normal liposuction periods. Liposuction cannula input area is 2-4 mm and becomes almost invisible in 3 months.
You’ll notice and enjoy the new shape of your body after the third week. The liposuction area takes its final shape between 6 months 1 year.
Liposuction operation is a cosmetic surgery that generally gives good and long-lasting results and restores the person’s mental health